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Our Commitment to Security

At CloudExpat, we understand the critical importance of securing your data and intellectual property. Your trust in us is paramount, and we dedicate substantial resources to ensure your information remains safe, secure, and exclusively yours. We build and maintain our services with a security-first mindset, employing a dedicated team of security experts and leveraging advanced technologies to protect your valuable assets.

Principle of least privilege

Our security measures are based on the principle of least privilege (PoLP), ensuring that access to your infrastructure is granted only for the required scope and duration. All write access is strictly limited in time, scope, and automatically removed after changes have been made. In practice, any write access granted is self-destructed within an average of 8 seconds, thus preventing unauthorized access.

Security Infrastructure

Our cloud services are constructed on a robust security foundation that protects your data at all levels. This infrastructure safeguards your data, identities, applications, and devices with built-in security controls and intelligence, providing you with visibility and control over your security posture. Our secure infrastructure is designed to automatically update and patch itself, reducing the possibility of vulnerabilities and providing continuous protection against evolving threats.

Advanced Threat Protection

We leverage cutting-edge threat intelligence and advanced analytics to identify and mitigate potential threats before they can cause harm. Our security systems are continually learning, adapting, and evolving to identify and neutralize new threats, ensuring your data stays safe. Furthermore, we utilize machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to proactively detect anomalies and potential threats, enhancing our ability to prevent security incidents.

Data Encryption

Your data, whether at rest or in transit, is encrypted using the latest encryption standards, affirmed by certifications such as the FIPS 140-2 validation. We use industry-leading protocols to secure all data on our platforms, protecting your sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches. In addition, our encryption keys are securely managed, ensuring only authorized personnel have access, and all key usage is logged and audited for transparency and control.

Regulatory Compliance

CloudExpat is committed to meeting and surpassing industry standards for data protection, identity verification, security, and privacy. We continually update our systems to ensure compliance with evolving regulations and standards globally. Our cloud services adhere to major compliance certifications, such as GDPR, HIPAA, ISO 27001, SOC 2, and more. Our team of compliance experts is dedicated to staying abreast of regulatory changes and ensuring our systems adapt accordingly.

Secure Development Lifecycle

Our Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC) integrates security into every phase of software development. We apply rigorous security and privacy principles, and perform regular audits and code reviews to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of your data. Our developers and engineers are trained in secure coding practices, and all new features and updates undergo thorough security testing before deployment.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

We understand the value of your data and the need for accessibility at all times. Our cloud services are designed to provide uninterrupted service, with a comprehensive disaster recovery plan in place to ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster. We also maintain geographically dispersed data centers, which allow us to quickly recover from any single point of failure and ensure your data remains accessible. This is backed by certifications such as ISO 22301 for business continuity management, confirming our ability to minimize downtime and keep your data accessible.

User Access Controls

Our cloud services provide granular access controls, enabling you to manage who has access to your data and to what extent. These controls allow you to maintain security while collaborating efficiently. In addition, we support multi-factor authentication (MFA) for enhanced access security. Certifications such as ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 underpin our commitment to securing your data while providing efficient collaboration capabilities.